3 Common Fitness Lies That Are Really Just Advertisement Ploys

Mamun mal
5 min readDec 9, 2020


Photo by Sam Sabourin on Unsplash

The world of health and fitness is a vast community that can be overwhelming at times. There are the large corporations, the doctors, the dietitians, the professional athletes, the coaches, and the fitness influencers.

Then, there are the rest of us. We are the everyday people whose full-time jobs aren’t in the field of health or fitness, but we still have a huge passion for it. And this is exactly where the greatest problems exist.

Advertisers are smart. Each day, they try to sell us things we don’t need through any means necessary. This has led to the spread of a lot of misinformation. Often times, they choose to prey on insecurities, and they preach that you’ll never be good enough unless you use their one specific product, eat a certain diet, or follow their exercise program.

Unfortunately, most of these products never do what they claim they will, and you end up right back where you started, feeling more defeated than before.

Thus, here are three common fitness myths that are really just advertisement ploys in disguise. They are important to be aware of, so you can save that hard earned cash and avoid a lot of disappointment.

1. You must do the following workout to get fit.

I have heard this time and time again. Different fitness influencers tell you that you must do cardio, or lift weights, or follow their 25 minute daily workout program to get fit.

The truth is, different forms of exercise all boil down to one thing — movement. Plus, everyone has different goals and different workouts that they enjoy. There is no one size fits all exercise routine that works for every single person.


I personally love to run, so that’s the form of cardio I choose to do. Others enjoy biking, swimming, walking, etc. Just because your friend has achieved results through swimming doesn’t mean you have to try to do the same.

If you want to work on your cardiovascular endurance, then of course you have to do some form of cardio. However, there are a wide variety of exercises to choose from.

Men’s Journal provides the following effective forms of cardio that you can try: elliptical, stair climber, running, jumping rope, kettlebell workout, cycling, swimming, rowing, high intensity interval training, and sprinting.

The point is, there are many effective workouts to choose from. There is no single fitness program that will provide you with the quick and easy miracle results promised.

2. You can’t eat past this time.

I’m not sure how this fitness lie started, but I’ve heard it way too many times to count. Many fitness influencers state that you shouldn’t eat past 7 pm if you want to get leaner and fitter.

This is entirely untrue. In fact, registered dietican Pamela Nisevich Bede states that:

“just because dinner is over and the kitchen is cleaned up doesn’t mean you should stop eating after 7 p.m. if your caloric needs aren’t yet met.”

Food is a source of fuel for your body. If you choose to go to bed starving at the end of the night because it’s past a certain time, you are doing yourself a disservice and failing to nourish your body properly.

I enjoy a late night snack almost every single evening. I love to finish the night off with some fruit and nut butter, like a banana with almond butter or a few dates dipped in peanut butter. As it turns out, many fruits and nuts can actually help you sleep better.

Therefore, instead of restricting yourself to eating only during certain hours, focus on a healthy, balanced diet overall. Even if your goal is to lose weight, a small deficit is all you need to make that happen. Plus, the slow and steady approach is what will help you achieve results that actually last.

3. The following food group is bad.

One of the most common fitness lies out there today is that carbs are bad, or that they’ll make you gain weight.

In reality, carbs are one of the three key macronutrients. They act as a source of fuel for your body that will help you thrive. In fact, according to Harvard Health:

“highly processed carbs can cause a rapid rise and fall in blood sugar levels, leading to “brain fog.” Eliminating those carbs can clear that fog. But rather than shunning all carbs, you can switch to healthier ones, which have the added advantage of providing fiber, vitamins, and minerals.”

Therefore, you don’t need to omit carbs from your diet completely. You simply need to focus on the quality of the carbs you eat, which will optimize the health benefits.

Final Thoughts

If you want to get fitter and healthier, the most effective way to do so is by eating well and exercising regularly. It isn’t easy, but it is simple.

When I drowned out the noise of the fitness industry telling me not to eat after 7 pm, cut out carbs, only follow a low-fat diet, and many other outrageous claims, I was able to focus on what truly worked for me, which ultimately helped me make lifestyle changes I could actually stick with.

If you feel like the fitness industry has wronged you in some way, then you aren’t alone. However, now is the time to pivot — find what works for you and focus on your own unique journey. In doing so, you’ll be able to achieve long-term health and happiness.

